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Amay Kataria graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2019) with an MFA in Art & Technology Studies. After completing his bachelors in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech (2012), he worked for Microsoft Corp. (2013-2017) in Seattle, WA. His art practice is deeply rooted in his personal, yet ubiquitous interactions with the world. The poiesis of his work lies in an as- semblage of algorithmic instructions as computer code that manifests itself in the form of kinetic imagery, sculptures, and sonic experiences. Currently, it interrogates the posthuman affairs of exis- tence in a society where technology has transformed from a necessity to a socio-political body of governance. It’s time based nature, along with a cause and effect system of relations often results in a bidirectional exchange of data and information to surface the work as an interactive rhizomatic experience. In these works, the medium is the instrument of intervention and the content is rep- resented through the filter of his political consciousness of this world. In his recent bodies of work, he has been concerned with concepts like the human behavior as a subject of attention economy, the self-referential nature of coexistence between humans and natural systems, a decentralized commodification strategy of human identity through Blockchain technology, and the influence of ghost labor of bots and agents on the human workforce. Concurrently, he is departing and arriving on new concerns, which helps him unravel his own position within these super structures.

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